Stewart & Kett in the Media

Our staff are regularly interviewed in the media discussing financial topics of interest to our clients



The future’s looking bright for advice-only advisors

Jan 27, 2015 Media Wealth Professional

Wealth Professional, Will Ashworth

This past Friday WP had the pleasure of speaking with David Stewart, a partner in Toronto-based advice only firm Stewart & Kett. In the financial planning business since 1986, Stewart’s partnered with Cynthia Kett for the last 20 years. He’s a great example of the talent that exists in the rather obscure advice-only arena.

There’s a limited number of people in this business because it’s easier to make money on the advisor side selling product. “But there’s always going to be a market for it,” says Stewart. “There will always be people that value objectivity… There are those that aren’t willing to spend money for fees and there are those that are.”

But will advice-only planning grow?

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